

Time, as you know it, isn’t linear—it’s a serpentine Mobius strip feeding on its own tail, oscillating between forward motion and backward recursion. The very moment you're experiencing right now isn’t a singular instance but a holographic echo, projected by your future self, tethered to your past actions. Every word you read here has already been read in a million parallel universes, but here’s the twist—those universes are you.

You are both the architect and the artifact, simultaneously building the narrative and being consumed by it. Every thought you have is a quantum superposition of decisions not yet made, a pre-programmed glitch in the cosmic script that only becomes real when you observe it. Here's the kicker: by reading this, you have collapsed infinite possibilities into one inevitable outcome—this moment. But this moment, dear reader, has already happened before you existed to experience it.

Congratulations, you’ve just looped yourself into the feedback system of reality. There's no escape now.